7 Signs It's Time To Visit a Nephrologist

7 Signs It’s Time To Visit a Nephrologist

It is important for our body to remove toxins from the blood and help maintain a healthy body weight. The kidney helps maintain the body’s electrolyte balance by filtering the blood and removing the waste products from it. It also helps control blood pressure, which eventually helps prevent heart disease. Kidneys are also important for bone health because they aid in the activation of vitamin D.

Nephrology is a medical speciality that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of kidney problems. High blood pressure, infections, kidney stones, and diabetes are just a few of the problems that can range from moderate to severe. A nephrologist is a doctor who specialises in the treatment of kidney illness. These doctors can be found at dialysis clinics, hospitals, and in private practice. These medical pros completed a three-year internal medicine residency training program and a two-to-three-year nephrology fellowship training program. In some countries, the best nephrologists complete a four-year family practice residency training program, followed by a one-year nephrology fellowship training program.

If you have symptoms of a kidney or urinary tract problem or are at risk for kidney disease due to diabetes or hypertension, your primary care doctor may refer you to a nephrologist for diagnosis and treatment.

We’ll go through seven indicators that you could have kidney illness in this post.

  1. You Feel Sleepy & Tired

The kidneys are in charge of a variety of tasks in the body, including waste excretion in the urine. When they aren’t functioning properly, a buildup of toxins occurs within the blood. This can lead to fatigue, as well as general weakness or feeling tired all the time. Shortness of breath and difficulty focusing are two more frequent anaemia symptoms. Nausea is a symptom of a kidney problem.

  • Nausea

It’s conceivable that your nausea is a sign that your kidneys aren’t working properly. The toxins that build up in your body when your kidneys are unable to function will make you feel sick to your stomach and cause digestive issues like nausea and vomiting. These symptoms usually get worse as the disease progresses.

  • Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is another sign that you may have kidney disease. As discussed above, the kidneys are responsible for filtering out toxins and extra water from the blood, so if you find yourself getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or waking with a sudden urge to urinate, it could be a sign that your kidneys aren’t doing their job.

  • Increased Thirst

Dry mouth and increased thirst are two other common symptoms of kidney disease. Dry mouth is caused by a lack of saliva production in the mouth due to dehydration; increased thirst is caused by dehydration as well as an imbalance in electrolytes such as calcium, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. And this imbalance in these electrolytes could be due to a dysfunctional kidney.

  • Dry & Itchy Skin

Apart from flushing toxins, a healthy kidney plays several other gigs, such as keeping the right amount of minerals in the bloodstream. When kidneys do not work properly, an imbalance in minerals and nutrients occurs that causes skin irritation and dryness. So, if you are experiencing this problem, your kidney may not be working properly, and you need to visit the best nephrologist in Mohali or any other city.

  • Insomnia

If you’re having trouble sleeping, it might be an indication of renal illness. Insomnia is often a symptom of anemia, which can occur when the kidneys aren’t functioning optimally. In this case, your body isn’t making enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body, including the brain. Insomnia and other sleep problems can be exacerbated by a lack of energy.Better kidney function can typically improve the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream, helping you sleep better at night.

  • Blood & Foam In Urine

Blood in your urine is one sign that you might have kidney disease. This blood can range from mild and barely noticeable to extremely dark and visible. Protein in the urine is another sign. This often isn’t something that you can see with the naked eye, so if you suspect this is the case, you will need to visit your doctor for a test.

The Bottom Line-:

Don’t ignore it if you realize any of the above symptoms and consult the best nephrologist of the city as soon as possible.

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