Herbal Remedy for Seasonal Allergy

Many seasons, many problems and the seasonal problems are the ones which bother a lot. The problem does not sound so big but the symptoms are dangerous and can cause big issues in the long run. So, proper measures need to be taken in order to fight with the problem.

Try any of these Herbal Remedy for Seasonal Allergy

Apple Cider Vinegar

It is the most useful condiment in the kitchen. It is great for seasonal allergy as it helps the human body in various ways. How to consume it?

->> Use it as your salad dressing

->> Use it in your marinades

->> Used for removing the odor from the sweaty clothes, reducing the heartburn and solving the problem of dandruff

->> Swallow a tablespoon of ACD quickly

->> Take a tablespoon of ACD and add it to a cup of hot water and then add a little bit of honey to it


Normal to moderate exercises each day is mandatory as just 30 minutes of exercise daily can help to provide relief from all kinds of physical problems. Exercises produces anti-inflammatory effect on the nasal passages and which is why it helps to reduce the symptoms of allergy.

Nettle Leaf

You need to buy nettle leaf in order give yourself relief from seasonal allergy. Consuming nettle leaves will help reduce the production of histamine and that would automatically help in avoiding any seasonal allergy.

Nasal Irrigation
Studies and researches have shown that if you regularly flush out the toxins of the help of saline solution from your nasal passages then there are really less chances that you will face any kind of allergy.

 Don’t stress yourself

People ignore it but stress is the main root cause behind so many problems. High stress levels attract amore problems and due to this there is probability that people will face prolonged period of allergy symptoms. So, try exercise and do activities that help keep you calm, healthy and hearty like yoga, dancing, meditation, reading listening songs etc.


In this ultrafine needles are used in order to stimulate specific points of the body. Acupuncture helps in providing relief from seasonal stuffiness, sneezing and runny nose.


Basil, peppermint and eucalyptus oil help in providing relief from congestion. All you need to do is diffuse all these oils and dab a little bit of oil on the inner side of your nostrils. Some other oils that can be used to get relief from the problem of seasonal allergy are:

->> Eucalyptus Oil

->>  Sandalwood Oil

->>  Peppermint Oil

->> Lavender Oil

->> Basil Essential Oil in Safflower

->> Rose Oil

->> Coconut Oil


The easiest of all still we manage to ignore this. Just drink, drink, drink! Drink because it will save you from the irritating seasonal allergy. It won’t cost you anything to gulp down a few glasses of water in a day.

Symptoms of Seasonal Allergy

->> Sneezing

->> Irritatibility

->> Congestion

->> Asthma

->> Exhaustion

->> Sleep Deprivation

->> Hives

->> Headaches

->> Dizziness

->> Ear Infections

->> Troubled Breathing

->> Scratchy Throat

->> Itchy and Watery Eyes

->> Eczema

->> Decreased focus

->> Heightened depression

->> Ear infections

->> Troubled breathing

Try an elimination diet: It is the diet which you need to follow strictly in order to cut down the unwanted food from your daily diet. Cutting down a few things will help you to avoid the seasonal allergy:

Avoid eating

->> Gluten

->> Dairy

->> Soy

->> Peanuts

->> Eggs

->> Alcohol

->> Refined Sugar

->> Corn

->> Processed or packaged food

Dietary Changes

Your body requires just a few adjustments and you are good to go:

Good diet will help boost the energy levels, improve the skin appearance and help maintain your weight.

Some specific foods can trigger stronger allergic reactions. Some of which are:

->> Soy

->> Wheat

->> Zucchini

->> Melons

->> Sunflower Seeds

->> Sugar

->> Peanuts

->> Shellfish

->> Bananas

->> Cucumbers

By taking the help of the natural products you can also get relief from so many problems at the comfort of your home.

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